January 2025 : Announcing The Launch Of Our Platform For Saudi Nationals (Including Those Living Abroad) And For Saudi Residents In January — January 2025: Register Now As The Use Of Our Platform Is Free Of Charge For Our Users For The Months Of January And February – With Our Most Sincere Thanks To Our Generous Supporters And Sponsors

Wafaq Community

We Serve a Niche Community for Distinctive Service

Muslims: Wafaq is dedicated to serving Muslims find compatible spouses that share their cultural and religious values, regardless of their personal level of religiosity.

Saudi Arabia: Wafaq services cater to Saudi nationals, whether they reside within Saudi Arabia or abroad, and affiliates and residents of Saudi Arabia offering them a reliable platform to find potential life partners.

Stable Marriage: Wafaq values serious participants who are ready to invest their time and efforts into finding their perfect match. Our platform is not suited for those seeking short-term unions, secretive arrangements, or casual dating.

Wafaq Users

Serving Diverse Groups, Empowering Communities

Individuals Seeking Lifelong Partners: Wafaq is devoted to empowering individuals to discover and marry their ideal spouse through a personalized matchmaking journey, crafted for deep and enduring partnerships.

Parents: We warmly invite parents and guardians to engage with Wafaq’s services, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for orchestrating matrimonial alliances.

Relatives and Friends: Wafaq empowers loved ones to anonymously nominate potential members, extending invitations to join our community and pursue their ideal match.

Prospective Pairs: Our platform offers pairs the unique opportunity to gauge their compatibility, providing a solid foundation for meaningful relationships and future happiness.

Couple and Family: Committed to the continuum of care, Wafaq provides comprehensive support from pre-marriage counseling to sustained post-marriage guidance, positioning itself as the ultimate resource for lifelong partnership and family well-being.

Discoverers: Discoverers: Wafaq encourages discoverers who wish to try our the platform without any risk before matching. They discover themselves and are able to express to articulate about their views. They also get a complimentary analysis of their personalities describing their strengths and weakness.

Study Participants: Wafq values continued evidence-based research. For purposes of improvement, married couples, whether successfully married or unsuccessful are encouraged to provide information that includes infomation about post-marriage.

Note: The service is currently available to individuals, parents, relatives, friends, and discoverers, with plans to expand to prospective pairs, married couples, and study participants in the future.